Rachel Morgan Coaching

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3 Must Read Books to Help You Understand Your Relationship with Money

One of the best ways to learn further about a topic is to read about it and to see a topic from different perspectives. Over the past two years, I’ve read multiple books regarding money, mindset, and sales and have compiled a list of my top favorite books that I highly recommend. Each one offers a unique perspective to understanding our relationship to money and how it influences business and life.

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Mind over Money: The Psychology of Money and How to Use it Better by Claudia Hammond

This book was one of the first books I read regarding money mindset and it was a fantastic choice! Claudia covers the history of money, how it influences our lives, and the neuroscience behind it. It’s worth the read!

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You are A Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth by Jen Sincero

You may have heard of Jen before with her original book, You’re a Badass. The book is quite popular and for good reason! In this specific book, Jen dives deep into the difference between a scarcity and abundance mindset and how you can work to overcome it. Her language is easy to follow and extremely relatable.

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Financial Intelligence: How to Make Smart, Values-based Decisions with Your Money and Your Life by Doug Lennick

This was the book I read for my Behavioral Financial Advice Certification through Think2Perform. While this book is a bit heavier in financial planning and understanding how our behaviors influence spending, I still believe it offers strong insight into what it means to be “emotionally intelligent” with your money.

Have you heard of any of these books before? Which one are you most excited to read? Share with me in the comments.